The Brabazon Trophy 2020 Tee Sheet

Round 4 - Fri, August 21

Sherwood Forest - Archived on 06-19-2024 / Brabazon
Time Players
Sherwood Forest - Archived on 06-19-2024
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Alex Dixon City of Newcastle
9:40 AM Brabazon Matthew McClean + Sam Done
Andrew Ni Murrayfield
10:30 AM Brabazon Joe Long + Laurenz Schiergen
Barclay Brown Hallamshire
11:20 AM Brabazon David Ravetto + Jack Dyer
Ben Chamberlain Padeswood & Buckley
8:20 AM Brabazon Joe Harvey + Marc Boucher
Ben Rhodes Headingley
8:50 AM Brabazon Gregor Graham + Ronan Kleu
Benjamin Jones Northamptonshire County
7:40 AM Brabazon Jake Hibbert + Richard Wale
Benjamin Schmidt Rotherham
8:30 AM Brabazon Charles Larcelet + George Holland
Brandon Dietzel Germany
8:40 AM Brabazon Habebul Islam + Jordan Boulton
Callan Barrow Royal Lytham and St Annes
10:10 AM Brabazon Connor Wilson + James Wilson
Callum Farr Northamptonshire County
9:10 AM Brabazon Loris Schuepbach + Stephen Roger
Calum Scott Nairn
9:50 AM Brabazon Joseph Bryce + Robert Foley
Charles Larcelet France
8:30 AM Brabazon Benjamin Schmidt + George Holland
Charlie Daughtrey Rotherham
7:30 AM Brabazon Mark Porter
Charlie Strickland Ham Manor
10:20 AM Brabazon Haider Hussain + Hugh Foley
Christoffer Bring Denmark
11:30 AM Brabazon Enrique Dimayuga + Sam Bairstow
Connor Wilson Castle Park
10:10 AM Brabazon Callan Barrow + James Wilson
Cormac Sharpe Blairgowrie
7:50 AM Brabazon Lewis Irvine + Oliver Brown
Darren Howie Peebles
10:40 AM Brabazon Gregor Tait + Thomas Beasley
David Ravetto France
11:20 AM Brabazon Barclay Brown + Jack Dyer
Enrique Dimayuga Walton Heath
11:30 AM Brabazon Christoffer Bring + Sam Bairstow
Frederik Schott Germany
11:10 AM Brabazon Jake Bolton + Joshua Bristow
George Holland Southport and Ainsdale
8:30 AM Brabazon Benjamin Schmidt + Charles Larcelet
Gregor Graham Blairgowrie
8:50 AM Brabazon Ben Rhodes + Ronan Kleu
Gregor Tait Aldeburgh
10:40 AM Brabazon Darren Howie + Thomas Beasley
Habebul Islam Ipswich
8:40 AM Brabazon Brandon Dietzel + Jordan Boulton
Haider Hussain Kendleshire
10:20 AM Brabazon Charlie Strickland + Hugh Foley
Hari Pachu Machynys
8:00 AM Brabazon Harry Goddard + Jamie Tofte Nielsen
Harry Butler Chigwell
10:50 AM Brabazon Mark Power + Owen Benson
Harry Goddard Hanbury Manor
8:00 AM Brabazon Hari Pachu + Jamie Tofte Nielsen
Hugh Foley The Royal Dublin
10:20 AM Brabazon Charlie Strickland + Haider Hussain
Jack Ainscough Wynyard
9:00 AM Brabazon Robin Williams + Thomas Plumb
Jack Brooks Mere
10:00 AM Brabazon Mason Essam + Mauro Gilardi
Jack Cope Players Club
11:00 AM Brabazon Ruben Lindsay + Tom McKibbin
Jack Dyer Boyce Hill
11:20 AM Brabazon Barclay Brown + David Ravetto
Jacob Kelso Kings Hill
8:10 AM Brabazon James Wilson + James Biggs
Jake Bolton Ogbourne Downs
11:10 AM Brabazon Frederik Schott + Joshua Bristow
Jake Hibbert Delamere Forrest
7:40 AM Brabazon Benjamin Jones + Richard Wale
James Wilson Balmore
8:10 AM Brabazon Jacob Kelso + James Biggs
James Biggs Diss
8:10 AM Brabazon Jacob Kelso + James Wilson
James Wilson Close House
10:10 AM Brabazon Callan Barrow + Connor Wilson
Jamie Tofte Nielsen Denmark
8:00 AM Brabazon Hari Pachu + Harry Goddard
Joe Harvey Kendleshire
8:20 AM Brabazon Ben Chamberlain + Marc Boucher
Joe Long Lansdown
10:30 AM Brabazon Andrew Ni + Laurenz Schiergen
Jordan Boulton Notts
8:40 AM Brabazon Brandon Dietzel + Habebul Islam
Joseph Bryce Bathgate
9:50 AM Brabazon Calum Scott + Robert Foley
Joshua Bristow Canterbury
11:10 AM Brabazon Frederik Schott + Jake Bolton
Laurenz Schiergen Germany
10:30 AM Brabazon Andrew Ni + Joe Long
Lewis Irvine Kirkhill
7:50 AM Brabazon Cormac Sharpe + Oliver Brown
Loris Schuepbach Bad Ragaz, Switzerland
9:10 AM Brabazon Callum Farr + Stephen Roger
Marc Boucher Carton House
8:20 AM Brabazon Ben Chamberlain + Joe Harvey
Mark Porter Sherwood Forest
7:30 AM Brabazon Charlie Daughtrey
Mark Power Kilkenny
10:50 AM Brabazon Harry Butler + Owen Benson
Mason Essam Dartford
10:00 AM Brabazon Jack Brooks + Mauro Gilardi
Matthew McClean Malone
9:40 AM Brabazon Alex Dixon + Sam Done
Mauro Gilardi Switzerland
10:00 AM Brabazon Jack Brooks + Mason Essam
Oliver Brown Royal Porthcawl
7:50 AM Brabazon Cormac Sharpe + Lewis Irvine
Owen Benson Moor Park
10:50 AM Brabazon Harry Butler + Mark Power
Richard Wale The Leicestershire
7:40 AM Brabazon Benjamin Jones + Jake Hibbert
Robert Foley Switzerland
9:50 AM Brabazon Calum Scott + Joseph Bryce
Robin Williams Peterborough Milton
9:00 AM Brabazon Jack Ainscough + Thomas Plumb
Ronan Kleu Switzerland
8:50 AM Brabazon Ben Rhodes + Gregor Graham
Ruben Lindsay Ayr Belleisle
11:00 AM Brabazon Jack Cope + Tom McKibbin
Sam Bairstow Hallowes
11:30 AM Brabazon Christoffer Bring + Enrique Dimayuga
Sam Done Kenwick Park
9:40 AM Brabazon Alex Dixon + Matthew McClean
Stephen Roger Peebles
9:10 AM Brabazon Callum Farr + Loris Schuepbach
Thomas Beasley The Chase
10:40 AM Brabazon Darren Howie + Gregor Tait
Thomas Plumb Burnham and Berrow
9:00 AM Brabazon Jack Ainscough + Robin Williams
Tom McKibbin Holywood
11:00 AM Brabazon Jack Cope + Ruben Lindsay